Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Apple iPad 2 to hit 25

Apple said that its latest request the company to more than 25 This week’s markets, including France and the United Kingdom, but did not provide any hard numbers for the sales so far in the United States: New York.
Thousands of customers lined up for 2 keen Bad when it went on sale March 11 in the United States in Apple stores, AT & T and Verizon Wireless ports, as well as the goal, and Wal-Mart and Best Buy stores.
While Apple has not issued the expected high sales figures, made by CEO Steve Jobs and clear in a statement on Tuesday that the thinner, faster, has required the company is in great demand.
“We are seeing demand for the amazing 2 requests the company in the United States, and customers all around the world have told us they can not wait to get their hands on it,” he said. “We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work hard to build iPads enough for all.”
Sold 300,000 units in the first day, 500,000 in the first week, and across the Mark 1 million units in 28 days – and requests the first company – which went on sale last year.
Apple plans to launch the new company’s request on Friday to countries including Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands and Spain.
He said that all models of 2 requests the company will be available in Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and other countries in April.

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