Saturday, May 7, 2011

9/11 Attack Plan

Found a trove of information about planned terrorist attacks aimed to kill hundreds of innocent people in the articles seized in the compound of Osama bin Laden.
Recovery of vast tracts of the discovery of evidence on computers and video tapes and documents through the U.S. Navy in an exchange of fire on Sunday to show that the terror mastermind is still keen on ‘soft targets’ such as the so-called trains and planes.
U.S. officials are demanding greater research potential intelligence coup for the era of 9 / 11 last.
The plot only, which seemed close to prepare for the implementation of the one to block the train to mark the 10 terrorist attacks on 9 / 11, according to a new publication released tonight by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, which was obtained from ABC News.
And monstrously plan, which was found on a set of handwritten notes contained in the book, was in place as soon as February of last year, but were not there is evidence to suggest that this will happen in New York, according to the official.
The authors discussed the notes’ attack America during times of symbolism and the use of mass transit,
He said an administration official told the Wall Street Journal.
Officials said other materials collected from the complex indicates that al Qaeda was also looking to hit Washington and New York and Los Angeles and Chicago on the dates such as July 4, Holiday Birth and the opening day of the United Nations.
‘As of February 2010, alleged al-Qaeda was thinking of conducting an operation against trains in an undisclosed location in the United States on the occasion of anniversary of September 10 11, 2001,’ reads the bulletin.
‘As one option, and al-Qaeda was looking to try to tamper with a hint of a train track so the train will fall off the track in the valley of either a bridge or’.
The Ministry of Internal Security) can not issue a national terrorism alert advisory system in the wake of new evidence.
In a statement, said press secretary AED Matt Chandler, manage, and instead of sending the message to partners railways, a possible plot to al Qaeda and remained in a heightened state of vigilance.
Mr. Chandler said the Transportation Security Administration will send a bulletin to all stakeholders in the railway sector in a timely manner.
‘We have no information of any imminent terrorist threat to the railway sector, the United States, but wanted to make our partners aware of the alleged plan,’ said Mr. Chandler ABC News.
U.S. officials said that the Navy SEALs recovered five computers .10 hard drives and storage devices, including more than 100 DVDs and memory sticks, and The Wall Street Journal.
He stated that the Task Force and the CIA have done the initial campaign of the material, described by officials as a ‘clear the tops of trees for the benefit of the most pressing intelligence,’ the conspiracies and imminent.
They are also looking for any clues about bin Laden’s right-hand man Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is expected to become the next leader of al Qaeda, and controversial, both were members of the Pakistani government was aware of bin Laden’s hideout and were helping to conceal.
The official said it is likely to take weeks for the Task Force to compile and analyze all the data.
In the light of reports taken by the Department of Homeland Security and a number of actions’ A to enhance security. This list includes the additional officers at the airports. She also reviewed the preventive measures of potential targets for al Qaeda.
The authorities today not to take any chances. I stood in the Grand Central Station and Port Authority of New York City Metropolitan armed police officers guard the transfer of power as hundreds of passengers filed past.
Armed guards were also found in the city to visit Barack Obama to be the towers to put a wreath of flowers for the victims of terrorist attacks, 9 / 11.
Participated in a moment of silence, and spent time meeting the families of the victims before lunch at Engine Company 54, which lost 15 firefighters in the attacks.
‘It’s some comfort, I hope, you all know that when these men and the risk was unusual to go into Pakistan, and they were doing so in part because of the sacrifices that were made in the United States, “Obama said to the firefighters.
Attack rail potential is just one of a variety of concerns that are being discussed by the Ministry of National Security and the regional authorities, but this night is not yet clear what other areas of a terrorist group was – or is, in fact – is still targeting.
Evidence also suggests that bin Laden was still very much involved in the planning and approval of al Qaeda plots, despite being on the run for ten years.
A U.S. official said ABC News that the documents that have been analyzed so far, including the plans and sites, and showed a variety of al-Qaeda plots hatching.
Description of these plots as it’s ‘ambitious’, which was by no means ready to do it.
Has long been concerned officials that Al Qaeda might try to launch attacks on the railway system in the United States.
In 2008, U.S. authorities warned of a possible threat of al Qaeda transit systems in and around New York City over the weekend, the Thanksgiving holiday.

In the past year, an Afghan immigrant, pleaded guilty in New York of planning a suicide bombing campaign in the subway system in Manhattan in what U.S. authorities described as one of the most serious threats since the Sept. 11 attacks.

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